the team did VBS with the kids in Pakak and are now in naga doing a VBS and conducting a volunteer seminar on working with kids. this past friday we took samuel in for a check-up and had some tests run on him. His bilirubin levels were very high, causing him to be very jaundiced. the results were saturday...i had to leave monday for manila with the team. tueday night i caught a bus (another 11 hours) back to tabuk. when i arrived, there was such a drastic change in samuel's skin color, eyes, and even weight. we were so thankful to God for touching our child. and continuing to touch him. thank you for all your prayers and concern for our family's well being!
the team was great to have. they really let God love the kids in pakak through them as they sang, played, taught, and just hung out with them. even though it was a large team (16 in all), it was a such a blessing to have them here.
(there's a blank spot next to cathee, cause i didn't make it before the camera timer went off...)
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